
Constitution, By-Laws, Club Clauses, Rule, and Regulations

B.O.D Chairman, By-Law committee, Phil Guibeault
President, LPHC, Inc, Rocky Morelli
Revision date, Feb 9, 2022

(Adopted January, 1915), (First revision January, 1987), (Second revision January, 1994), (Third revision May, 2004), (Fourth revision August, 2008), (Fifth Revision August, 2016), (Sixth Revision April, 2021), (Seventh Revision -  7-14-2021), (Eighth Revision - 2-9-2022)

Table of Contents


Article I                         Title
Article II                       Purpose
Article III                      Officers
Article IV                      Standing Committee
Article V                        Duties of Officers and Standing Committee
Article VI                      Application of Membership
Article VII                      Membership
Article VIII                    Conduct of Members
Article IX                      Dues and Assessments
Article X                        Finance Committee
Article XI                      Amendments


Article I                       Order of Business
Article II                      Regular and Special Meetings
Article III                     Quorum
Article IV                      Elections of Officers and Standing Committee
Article V                       Voting
Article VI                      Mode of Electing Officers
Article VII                     Rules

Club Clauses
Rules and Regulations

Trap and Skeet Range
Rifle Range
Pistol Range
Archery Range


Article I - Title

Section 1. The title of this Club shall be Lone Pine Hunter's Club, Inc.

Article II - Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of this Club is to improve the hunting and fishing condition of this state by the propagation and distribution of fish and game, and to promote in all practicable ways, sentiment favoring the protection of fish and game and due respect for our fish and game laws and their enforcement.

Section 2. The Club also dedicated itself to the conservation of our natural resources and to the effective control of air and water pollution.

Section 3. The Lone Pine Hunters’ Club was and is still organized for the betterment of Hunting and Fishing. That this organization will not be subject to any other group within the Club. That all grounds and waters will be accessible for Hunting, fishing and water front activities as approved by the membership. (3/9/2016)

Section 4. The Lone Pine Hunter’s Club will support and encourage charities and promote the education of conservation, environment and fish and game related activities.

Article III - Officers

Section 1. The officers of this Club shall consist of President, Vice President, Treasurer,  Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, Sentinel, and Board of Directors.

Article IV - Standing Committee

Section 1.  The Board of Directors shall consist of five members each serving a five-year  term. The senior member of the Board will serve as chairman. The Board will hold a minimum of four meetings a year.

Section 2.  Board memberships run consecutively. Each year one term will expire and one new director will be appointed. The outgoing president will automatically become the junior member of the Board. In the event an incumbent president remains in office, he will appoint a new member to fill the new term, subject to approval by the executive board and remaining members of the board.

Section 3.  To qualify for appointment, a prospective director must have been an active participating member for a minimum of three consecutive years.

Section 4.  If a vacancy, other than through the normal expiration of a term occurs, the President shall appoint a qualified member to serve out the balance of the unexpired term.  A replacement director may serve as a chairman during the final year of the term he is filling only if he has filled that term for at least one year prior to the final year and he has the consent of the remaining members to serve as the Chairman pro-tem.

Section 5. Any director who loses his rights of membership is automatically dismissed from the board. A director may be dismissed for failure to attend board meetings, If a director intentionally misses six consecutive boards or goes one year without attending a scheduled meeting, whichever is greater said director shall be subject to dismissal. Dismissal will occur only upon the recommendation of the combined members of the Board and executive committee with approval by the membership at a regular meeting. The membership will be informed of the intended action in a meeting notice. The director will be advised by letter and will have the right to appeal prior to the final reading, said director shall be subject to dismissal approval by the membership.

Article V - Duties of Officers and Standing Committee

Section 1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, appoint all special committees not otherwise provide for, and   perform such other duties as usually appertain to the office.

Section 2. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties, and, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of this office.

Section 3. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep a detailed account of all funds received and all funds expended and shall render annually, or at any time so requested by the Club, a full statement thereof. The Treasurer shall hold all funds and moneys of the Club in the name of the Club, giving a receipt for the same, agreeing to transfer said moneys (and all property he may  have in his possession belonging to the Club) to the successor of the Office of the Treasurer.

Section 4. Financial Secretary: The Financial Secretary shall keep a file including a completed application form, indemnity agreement and a detailed account of the standing of each member of the Club, receive all moneys due the club and pay same over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for same.

Section 5.  Recording Secretary: The recording Secretary shall keep a correct record of all the meetings of the club, conduct all correspondence and perform all duties pertaining to this office.

Section 6.  Sentinel: The Sentinel shall attend to all inside duties as ordered by the President.

Section 7.  Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall have supervision of all property of the Club, make and keep a true inventory of same and audit the books of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer at the end of the year or at any time the Club may determine. The Board of Directors shall have the power to act upon notification of the death of a member.

Article VI - Application for Membership

Section 1. An applicant must be Eighteen (18) years of age, of good moral character and recommended by a member in good standing. All applicants shall be approved by secret ballot, majority no votes rejects an applicant. (3/19/2016)

Section 2. Application for membership shall be accompanied by a completed application form and indemnity agreement. When an opening occurs the membership chairman shall contact the applicant for the appropriate initiation fee and first years dues prior to the application’s first reading. Initiation fees and dues are specified in the article entitled Dues and Assessments. Club membership will vote to accept or reject the application after it’s second Reading at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 3. An applicant together with the applicants sponsor, must attend at least (1) meeting following submission of the completed application prior to the vote of the membership. Should the applicant or sponsor not be able to fulfill this requirement, a written explanation will be sent to the club for it’s review and recommendation.

Section 4. A non-member cannot be present during balloting for membership.

Section 5. No member may sponsor more than two (2) applicants in a single year nor, have more than two (2) outstanding applications at one time.

Article VII - Membership

Section 1. Paying Membership:
The paying membership limit shall be reviewed annually or as needed by the Board of Directors and presented to the membership for a vote of approval. Non-paying members shall be excluded from the membership limit. Non-Paying Members shall include the Executive Committee, Honorary Members and senior members as described in Section 1a. (if a junior member converts by age to a non-vested member or a member on deployment outside of the club’s geographic area on active duty, and if that exceeds the membership cap, then the membership cap is increased automatically to cover the increase of those members until a drop in membership brings the count below the cap).

Section 1a. Membership Classifications:
Membership classifications are set by the general membership per the voting bylaws. The current membership classifications are listed below (see membership matrix for detailed explanation of privileges).

• Honorary Membership *
• Senior Membership *
• Vested Member *
• Non-Vested Member *
• Junior Membership *
• Family Membership *
* See Membership Matrix for Membership access rights. The Membership Matrix is reviewed and approved by the members annually.

Section 1b. Honorary Members:
The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors may appoint Honorary Members subject to the approval of the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All Honorary Memberships shall not expire. *

Section 1c. Senior Membership:
A member in good standing, age sixty-five (65) or older, with twenty-five (25) years of uninterrupted membership shall be considered a senior member for life. Senior members are excused from paying dues and the condition set forth in Section 2.

Section 1d. Vested Membership: (By-Law Change approved 7-14-2021)
A member in good standing that falls within the existing full membership population guidelines.  A member may be promoted from the Non-Vested Member status to a Vested Membership status, based on the rules to become a Vested Member in the rules section Membership Considerations and Adjustments.

Section 1e. Non-Vested Membership: (By-Law Change approved 7-14-2021)
All new members start his/her membership as a Non-Vested Member.  A new Member will remain a Non-Vested member for the period set forth in the club Rules Membership Considerations and Adjustments.  Non-Vested Members will qualify to move to Vested status upon reaching the criteria set forth in the Rule to become a Vested Member.  Membership status is reviewed by the Board of Directors to move up to a Vested Member at least once per year.

Section 1f. Jr Membership:
A Jr membership must meet the qualifications of, being under 18 years of age at the time of membership residing the same household and the primary member and be a child of a full paying member. The number of children* (Jr Members) living in the same household is unlimited. A Junior Member becomes a Non-vested member upon the renewal of their membership after their 18th birthday.

Section 1g. Family Membership:
A Family Membership consists of no more than 2 immediate related adults* living in the same household over 18 years old**. Some examples are Married couple, Common Law couple, Single Head of household with at least one child over 18 years old living at the same household. (for the purpose of membership limits, a family membership is counted as 1 member)
*Must provide proof of immediate family and residency.
**All adult “family” member(s) over the 2 immediate related adults listed above must pay the full membership fee.

Section 2. All regular members shall be required to perform five (5) hours, (10) for first year members of associated work per year. Any member unable to fulfill his or her duty hours may buy back those hours unfulfilled at the rate of ten dollar ($10) per hour.

(A) Members not fulfilling the obligations set forth in this article shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership. Each members standing shall be subject to annual review by a special committee.

Section 3.
Active-Duty Members:
All deployed active-duty members, while in the military, shall have their membership dues halted while remaining on the club roster. Once the member is no longer deployed, dues shall be expected in the following December. The member shall not lose their seniority. (for the purpose of membership limits, an active-duty member shall not be counted while on membership hold. When he/she returns to the club as an active member the membership limit shall increase by one if the return of the member puts the club over the membership limit).

Article VIII - Conduct of Members

Section 1. Any member gambling in the hall, entering the hall in a state of intoxication, using profane language therein, willfully disturbing or refusing to obey the officers in charge, shall be subject to such penalty as the Club may determine.

Section 2. Any member conducting themselves in a manner unbecoming a member of this  Club, upon sufficient proof, shall be subject to such penalty as the Club may determine.  Any member who may be expelled for conduct unbecoming a member cannot make an application for membership until six months have expired or the vote taken in regard to such member be reconsidered.

Section 3. Any member convicted of a major violation of State Fish and Game Laws, may, by a vote of the membership, be suspended or expelled from the club.

Article IX - Dues and Assessment

Section 1. Dues for the upcoming year are due at the December meeting.  They may be paid to the Financial Secretary, Treasurer, by mail or to any Director. There will be a grace period to the January Directors or monthly Meeting. A late payment fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25) will be assessed on the dues not received by the end of January or beyond, (in addition, a members badge will be turned off until the membership is current*1).  A member whose membership is not current for Three (3) months (April 1st) because of nonpayment of dues and/ or other fees and who wishes to become a member again will be required to apply for membership and pay all initiation fees and dues.

*1 - Change made Feb 9, 2022

Section 2. Assessments; No assessments shall be levied on a member unless it be a voluntary assessment except for the assessment in Section 1 identified as “Late Payment Fee”.

Section 3. In the event of a budget being set up; only the operating expenses of the LPHC Inc. will be considered in the event of a change of Dues for operation.  This means expense of the property and Betterment of Hunting and Fishing.  At no time will the operating expenses include other groups when a question of Increase of Dues is considered.

Section 4.
The dues will be two hundred twenty five dollars ($225) per year and the initiation fee for new applicants will be an additional fifty ($50) dollars.

Article X - Finance Committee

Section 1. The finance committee shall be the executive committee.

Section 2.   All expenditure proposals for other than normal operating expense will be submitted to the Finance Committee for review and recommendation prior to submission for approval by the membership.

Section 3. Approved expenditure proposals will be in effect for six (6) months. Renewal of the approval will be required after six (6) months for the unused portion of the approval.

Section 4. Capital expenditures of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more require approval by a two-thirds majority of the members present at an official meeting.

a). A written request/proposal will be submitted to the Finance Committee and Board of Directors for review and recommendation prior to submission to the membership.

b). All members will be advised of the amount and purpose of the expenditure by meeting notice, for the meeting in which the proposal will be acted upon.

Article XI - Amendments

Section 1. The constitution and by-laws shall not be altered or amended except by the manner prescribed in the following sections.

Section2. Proposed amendments will be submitted in writing, sighed by two (2) members in good standing to the By-Law Committee for review, rewriting and recommendation prior to submission to the body.

Section 3. Amendments will be voted upon only after being read at three (3) regularly scheduled meetings. All members will be advised of the proposed change(s) in the meeting notice for the third and final meeting.

Section 4. Amendments will be declared adopted if accepted by a two-thirds majority at the meeting.  Adopted amendments will become effective immediately.


Article I - Order of Business

Order of business shall be as follows

Roll Call
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Election for Memberships
Committee Reports
General Business

Article II - Regular and Special Meetings

Section 1. Regularly scheduled monthly meetings shall be held on the day and time specified by the Club membership.

Section 2. Special Meetings, The President shall, at any time call a special meeting of the club when requested in writing by three (3) members.

Article III - Quorum

Seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting.

Article IV - Elections of Officers and Standing Committee

Section 1. The officers and standing committee shall be elected annually at the last meeting in December.

Section 2. The officers elected shall assume the duties of their office at the next regular meeting following their election.

Article V - Voting

A vote shall be taken on any question and the majority vote shall govern when not inconsistent with club constitution and rules. Voting may be by voice, division roll call or ballot.

Article VI - Mode of Electing Officers

Section 1. The President shall call for informal ballot and the two (2) members receiving the highest number of votes respectively for any particular office, shall be considered as candidates for said office.

Section 2. The Club shall then proceed to a formal ballot and the candidate receiving a majority vote of the ballots cast shall be considered to said office.

Section 3. No member shall be able to hold offices that conflict.

Article VII - Rules

Section 1. Meetings will be conducted in a fair, orderly and parliamentary manner. Rule Addition - Feb 9, 2022 - All club meetings, in the main hall, will prohibit a member or guest to OPEN CARRY OR BRANDISHING OF A FIREARM during the session of the meeting with the exception of the current sentinel.

Section 2. Club, Rules and Regulations may not be suspended; they can only be changed by a majority vote of the membership at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Club Clauses

Should any member of this club lose his dog by foul play (such as poison, shot or stolen), the club shall offer a suitable reward to be paid to the person(s) giving information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of the guilty party.

It shall be the duty of every member of the club to report at the meetings any person(s) he may know who are willfully breaking the Fish and Game Laws of this state. The club shall then determine what should be done

In the event of an illness or death of a member in good standing, or of someone in a member’s immediate family, the club will make an appropriate acknowledgement of the situation. This may include a card, flowers, fruit basket or charitable donation. Immediate family, for this purpose includes spouse and children. For a single living at home, this may include parents, otherwise for members, acknowledgement will be limited to an appropriate card.

Club Rules and Regulations

Club Property, Access and Grounds

1. Loaning of Club keys to non-members, including family members is prohibited.

2. Removal of Club property is forbidden unless prior approval of the Board of Directors or the appropriate chair person is granted. Property includes, but is not limited to tools, materials, supplies, furniture, equipment, shrubs and trees.

3. Dumping of trash on Club property is forbidden.

4. With the exception of family cookouts, all non-Club functions, private parties included, require Club approval.

5. Club grounds are closed to ATV’s, dirt bikes and snowmobiles except as needed for Club cleanup and other functions, or unless otherwise authorized.

6. It is the responsibility of all members to be familiar with Club and range rules and it is the responsibility of members to insure their guests know, and observe all Club rules.

7. All members and guests must sign in and out of the rifle and pistol ranges.

8. Range clean-up activities have priority over other range activities.

9. Members are responsible for locking doors and gates upon departure from the Club.

10. The Club is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.

11. Any member violating Club or range rules and regulations may be subject to suspension or dismissal as Set forth in Article VIII, Section 2 of the Constitution.

12. Sponsorships; The LPHC shall accept yearly sponsorships via sponsorship form.

13. All club members using the club house for a private party must sign an indemnity agreement for the use of the club house or club grounds. The club member is responsible for the conduct of all guests at the event. If  alcohol is to be served or brought to any private party, the club member has three options;

A. The club member using the club must purchase an insurance binder from the clubs insurance company 7 days prior to the event.

B. The club member using the club must hire a licensed bartender for the event.

C. No alcohol will be permitted at the event unless option A or B has been taken.

14. Passes with chaperone capability included with the lease which are to be held by coaches or board members of HBCC. (all with background checks approved by school district).

15. River front passes will be issued by LPHC for the amount of 250.00 subject to seasonal usage.  (2016)

Membership Considerations and Adjustments

(Rule approved and added 7-14-2021)

1.  Quantity of Members:  The total quantity of members will be determined by a 2/3 vote based on the suggestion of the Board of Directors consideration of the current number of members on the Fee schedule and the amount of applicants that are wanting to join the club.

2.  Types of Memberships:  The Club will have the ability to amend the fee schedule and create new membership in accordance with a written suggestion to the Board of Directors.  Upon review of the suggestions the Board will bring the suggestion to the Membership to vote on the adding of the suggested membership type.

3.   Membership Vesting:   A member will be considered Vested after a period of two years and have put in the required work related tot he club duties ( 5 hours) and be a full dues paying member.  The individual will have shown the propensity to attend functions and be a participating club member.  If the individual is not a participating member in any of the considerations than the person will continue to be considered a Non-Vested member.

4.   Member Hardship:  If there is a member that has been in good standing for a period of over 3 years and is faced with a personal hardship where that member may not be able to be an active member of the Club (ie. Financial / Medical / Personal) that person's roster spot may be kept open but not counted in the total count of the club until which time the member can return.  The Member's status will not change as with respect to Vested or Non-vested.

Club Safety

1. Use of firearms and other weapons is restricted to the appropriate ranges, except during the hunting season, and in accordance with all game laws.

2. All ranges are closed unless a club member is present on the range and consents to allow club guests to shoot.

3. Alcoholic beverages or drug usage is forbidden on all ranges while the range is open or, when weapons are present.  Intoxicated persons are not allowed on any range

4. Use of automatic weapons or, devices to simulate automatic fire, commonly referred to as hand cranks are prohibited.

5. Use of tracer ammunition is forbidden on club property.

6. Tree stands must not be erected in the impact area of any range.

7. Circumstances may require additional rules unique to a particular situation or event.

8. Every club member and guest is responsible for safety and they should be familiar with and practice the general rules of safe gun handling;               These include :

a. Treat every gun as if it were loaded.
b. Always keep the action open.
c. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
d. Know your gun and ammunition.
e. Be sure of your backstop.
f. Be sure of your target and what is beyond.
g. Guns, drugs nor drinks mix.
h. Obey all firing line commands immediately.

Violations of Club rules and damages to club property should be reported immediately to the appropriate chair person, Club Officer or Director.

Members observing safety infractions or unsafe practices should inform the person of the questionable activity or behavior. If the action goes uncorrected the appropriate chair person, Club Officer or Director should be notified.

Rifle Range Rules

All shots should strike the backstop, no shooting at floor or side berms.

1. Alcoholic beverages are forbidden while the range is open or weapons are present. Intoxicated persons are not allowed on any range.

2. The range is open to all firearms except rim fire pistols and shotguns shooting birdshot. Buckshot may only be used at a target board so identified.

3. Only controlled and aimed fire is permitted on this range. Uncontrolled fire is unsafe and forbidden.

4. Use of automatic weapons or devices used to simulate automatic weapons fire, commonly referred to as a hand cranks, is prohibited.

5. Weapons should have actions open at all times.

6. Weapons should be loaded and unloaded only on the firing line. Muzzleloaders must not be capped or primed until on the firing line.

7. At all times keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and fingers off the trigger until ready to fire.

8. Eye and ear protection is highly recommended on this range.

9. Shooting at targets on the floor or side berms of the range is prohibited. All targets must be in line with the backstop.

10. Glass targets are not permitted on the range.

11. Use of tracer ammunition is forbidden on all ranges.

12. Muzzleloaders should not be loaded closer than 8 feet from the firing line.

13. Smoking is prohibited if there is muzzleloader activity.

14. If there are other shooters present, the range should be cleared prior to proceeding down range. The persons wanting to go down range should shout in a manner, “is the range clear?” All shooters present should unload their weapons; place them in the rack, and respond, “Clear”. Weapons should not be handled while anyone is down range.

15. Range clean-up is the responsibility of those using the facility.

16. It is the responsibility of the member or his guest to be familiar with safe gun handling.

17. This range is closed unless a Club member is present on the range and consents to allow guests to shoot.

Members observing safety infractions or unsafe practices should inform the person of the questionable activity or behavior. If the action goes uncorrected, the appropriate chair person, Club officer, or director should be notified as soon as possible.

Pistol Range Rules

All shots should strike the backstop; No shooting at range floor or side berms.

1. Alcoholic beverages are forbidden while the range is open or weapons are present. Intoxicated persons are not allowed on any range.

2. Only controlled and aimed fire is permitted on this range. Uncontrolled fire is unsafe and forbidden.

3. Use of automatic weapons or devices used to simulate automatic fire, commonly referred to as a hand cranks, is prohibited.

4. Weapons should have actions open at all times.

5. Weapons should be loaded and unloaded only on the firing line. Muzzleloaders must not be capped or primed until on the firing line.

6. At all times keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and fingers off the trigger until ready to fire.

7. Eye and ear protection is highly recommended on the range.

8. Shooting at targets on the floor or side berms of the range is prohibited. All targets must be inline with the backstop.

9. Glass targets are not permitted on the range.

10. The use of birdshot or buckshot is allowed only on target boards so identified.

11. Use of tracer ammunition is forbidden on all ranges.

12. Muzzleloaders should not be loaded closer than 8 feet from the firing line.

13. Smoking is prohibited if there is muzzleloader activity.

14. If there are other shooters present, the range should be cleared prior to proceeding down range. The person wanting to go down range should shout in a clear manner,” Is the range clear?” All shooters present should unload their weapons; place them in the rack, and respond, “Clear”.

15. Range clean-up is the responsibility of those using the facility.

16. It is the responsibility of the member or his guest to be familiar with safe gun handling.

17. This range is closed rules a Club member is present on the range and consents to allow guests to shoot.

Members observing safety infractions or unsafe practices should inform the person of the questionable Activity or behavior. If the action goes uncorrected, the appropriate chair person, Club officer, or director should be notified as soon as possible.

Archery Range Rules

1. Alcoholic beverages are forbidden while the range is open or weapons are present. Intoxicated persons are not allowed on any range.

2. The range is restricted to archery practice only.

3. At all times, keep a ‘loaded’ bow pointed in a safe direction and fingers off all ‘trigger’ until ready to fire.

4. The use of broadhead arrows is restricted to targets identified for broadhead use.

5. If there are other shooters present, the range should be cleared prior to proceeding down range. The person wanting to go down range should shout in a clear manner, “Is the range clear?” All shooters present should unload their weapons; place them in rack, and respond, “Clear”. Weapons should not be handled while anyone is down range.

6. Range clean-up is the responsibility of those using the facility.

7. It is the responsibility of the member or his guest to be familiar with safe bow handling.

8. This range is closed unless a Club member is present on the range and consents to allow guests to shoot.

Members observing safety infractions or unsafe practices should inform the person of the questionable activity or behavior. If the action goes uncorrected, the appropriate chair person, Club officer, or director should be notified as soon as possible.

Indoor Air Gun/Indoor Archery Range Rules

1. Alcoholic beverages are forbidden while the range is open or weapons are present. Intoxicated persons are not allowed on any range.

2. Only air guns or bows and arrows allowed on range.

a. Air guns- Shoot only at the proper target trap (do not shoot at archery targets with air guns.)

b. Archery- Shoot only at proper archery targets (do not shoot arrows at air gun traps)

3. Weapons should be loaded and unloaded only on the firing line.

4. At all times keep the muzzle or bow pointed in a safe direction and fingers off the trigger until ready to fire.

5. If there are shooters present the range should be cleared prior to proceeding down range. The persons wanting to go down range should shout in a clear manner, “is the range clear?” All shooters present should unload their weapons; place them in the rack, and respond, “Clear”. Weapons should not be handled while anyone is down range.

6. The use of broad head arrows is restricted to targets identified for broad head use.

7. Range clean up is the responsibility of those using the facility.

8. It is the responsibility of the member or guest to be familiar with safe gun/bow handling.

9. This range is closed unless a Club member is present on the range and consents to allow guests to shoot.

10. Eye protection is highly recommended on this range.

Members observing safety infractions or unsafe practices should inform the person of the questionable activity or behavior. If the action goes uncorrected, the appropriate chair person, Club officer, or director should be notified as soon as possible.