Lone Pine Hunter's Club has both indoor and outdoor archery shooting areas. The indoor range can be used all year long.
Indoor Archery Chairman:
Jason Trepanier
cell: (603)860-6675
Come join us for a 13 week indoor archery league. We have all new bag targets for your shooting pleasure. This is a fun league for all ages, all skill levels. If you are new to archery or just want to brush up on your shooting techniques, this league is for you. We will have staff on hand to help you at whatever level you are currently shooting at.
Practice for hunting or competition, or just for the fun of it.
Outdoor Archery Chairman:
Gary Girouard
cell: 603-320-6472
Email: garygirouard03060@yahoo.com
Brian Ricard
cell: 603-897-5586
Email: bsricard@myfairpoint.net
Come join us for a 12 week outdoor archery league. We have amazing 3D targets for your shooting pleasure. This is a fun league for all ages, all skill levels. If you are new to archery or just want to brush up on your shooting techniques, this league is for you. We will have staff on hand to help you at whatever level you are currently shooting at.
Practice for hunting,or competition, or just for the fun of it.