114 Rideout Rd
Hollis, NH 03049
Pellet League Chairman
Miguel Fortier - (617) 839-3884
The Indoor League Starts Monday, January 7th from 4pm til 8pm. and runs for twelve weeks. Things are off to a great start. Come join us for some friendly competition and lots of fun. This is one of the best things to do this winter. We also serve some meals for a few dollars.
The 2019 Pellet League schedule is as follows:
League start date is Monday, January 7th and runs through March 18th
League will run every Monday night for 12 weeks from 4:00pm until 8:00pm
Indoor pellet shooting area is located on the back side of the club in the basement.
The Pot Luck banquet will be held on - TBD
The groups are defined as males 16 years & up, female 16 years & up, youth is 8 to 15 years.
Come on down and check it out, have a bite to eat at "The Cafe"
Please note that we do have spare pellet guns as loners for anyone that would like to try shooting for the first time. Instructions are always free. Come give it a try, you will have fun.